Sunday, September 22, 2019

Health O'Clock: ep 26- Crowdsourcing in Medicine

Today we review and discuss the impact of Crowd sourcing Diagnosis.  We based this off the Netflix show “Diagnosis”  

Link to research article: Journal of Global Health: Survey of Crowdsourcing in Medicine

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Health O'Clock: ep 25- Democratic Debate night 1

We brake down each of the candidates views and plans regarding healthcare during night one of the democratic debates.  Sit back, relax and get informed.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Health O'Clock: ep 24- CBD

CBD, what is it? Why are there stores everywhere are there any risks? In this episode we discuss all these topics plus play Pokemon or Drug.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Health O'Clock: ep 23- The opioid crisis

We kick season 3 off right with discussions on the opioid crisis. What is it? What is causing it? Pam a pharmacist provides her take on the epidemic.