Saturday, January 9, 2016

Health O'clock: ep.1- If it Costs Them, It Costs You.

For the first episode of Health O’Clock, we look at insurance pricing. When something costs a health insurance company, it’s going to cost you also. We also discuss the idea of winners and losers when it comes to buying insurance.

Open Enrollment Ends January 31, 2016 (
Oregon News Clip 

1 comment:

  1. I listened to your Podcasts backwards so just finished the first one. Congratulations on the great job you're doing. I have learned a lot from them and look forward to keeping up in the future. In my family we always figured the Insurance we were paying was to keep us protected in the event one of us had a serious illness that would require a lot of care and medication. For the most part we have been healthy but certainly believe it is important to have Health Insurance for protection. I'm fortunate to be on a company plan so it's affordable. Good job Andrea and Jay!
